How to apply for an N.I.E certificate in Spain.

NIE certificates are required by law

NIE certificates are required by law in Spain when undertaking any financial transaction including buying of a property, they must be in place and the originals presented at Notary for completion.

The information below outlines what the process is for applying for NIE certificates in Spain.

NIE is needed for financial transactions in Spain

Applying for a Spanish NIE certificate

When you apply for Spanish NIE certificates you will need to take with you certain documents. You can apply in person or appoint in most instances a Power of Attorney to apply on your behalf. only National Police Stations deal with NIE applications and where possible you should go to the one nearest to where your purchase will be.

Non EU residents will need to provide proof of entry such as a landing card and may be required to provide a purchase contract showing why they need an NIE.

  1. You will need to make the payment for the NIE first by obtaining the payment slip from the police station and pay at the bank stated. Normally it is about €10.00 but may vary from region to region.
  2. Take the form back to the Police Station along with the receipt from the bank, your passport and photocopy of main page of your passport, 2 passport photos. (not officially required but some offices will insist on these).
  3. Certificates can be picked up normally within two weeks but can be quicker.

Translation of the questions on the N.I.E. Application form:

Section 1

  • 1 Apellido – Surname
  • 2 Apellido – 2nd Surname
  • Nombre – Forename
  • Sexo – H=Male (Hombre) M=Female (Mujer)
  • Fecha de nacimiento – Date of birth. Format DD/MM/YYYY
  • Lugar – Town of Birth
  • Pais – Country of birth
  • Nombre del Padre – Fathers name
  • Nombre del Madre – Mothers name
  • Nacionalidad – Nationality
  • Estado civil – Marital status – S = Single – C = Married – V = Widow and D = Divorced
  • Domicilio en España – Address in Spain
  • Localidad – Town
  • CP – Post code
  • Provincia – Province

Section 2

Only complete this section if another person is applying for your NIE on your behalf.

Section 3

This is where you can fill in the contact details of who will be notified when your certificate is ready for collection. You may wish your lawyer to be notified in which case put his or her details. It is also advised that you put your email address where it is asked for and tick the box giving your permission for them to email you with notification.

Section 4

  • Tipo de document – Type of document.  Tick the box for:  Número de identidad de Extranjero (NIE)
  • Motivos – Reason for application.  Tick the box for:  Por intereses sociales
  • Lugar de presentación – Tick the box for  Comisaria de Policia
  • Situación en España – Estancia = Not permenant  Residencia = Resident

Date in the space provided and sign in the ´Firma Del Solicitante´box

For assistance in applying for NIE certificates contact us today